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I have authored two new books. Of primary interest to fans, artists, and anyone interested in animation and special effects work is the Art of Rick Catizone and Anivision Ltd. It's loaded with over 300 behind-the-scenes photos, revealing processes and techniques, including pictures of armatures, animation drawings, cels, etc. While it is a heavily visual book (isn't that what we all want?), the text has many stories and details about working on the productions. As an example, do you know the connection between my stop-motion hand in Evil Dead 2 and Creepshow? The book has been getting wonderful praise from everyone, including Director Michael Gornick, FX geniuses Howard Berger and Jerry Gergely, Author Lee Karr, Illustrators Mark Maddox and Phil Wilson, etc.   And if you order directly from my SHOP page, I can also sign the book to you if you like.  The second book, NightFind was rewritten from a movie treatment I created some years ago about a young boy who encounters hybrid bat-creatures, developed by his uncle who has mysteriously disappeared. The boy and bat-creatures become friends and rescue his mom from the evil science facility holding her.

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